Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd

I really enjoyed this book... so much so, that we didn't even have it in Ely and I recommended that we get it. It is a YA title, but I think anyone could enjoy it.

The Madman's Daughter is based off the story of The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells, written in the late 1800's and set during the same time period.  I have not yet read the story by Wells and this book made complete sense to me.  It's told from the perspective of Dr. Moreau's daughter- Juliet.

Juliet's life is in the gutter.  Her father was ran out of town based on horrific rumors.  We don't know any of the specifics as to what the rumors are, but you start to get a picture as the story progresses.  Her mother has died and Juliet is forced to work as a maid in the hospital her father once ran.  While working at the hospital, she encounters some truly despicable people and is forced to flee London.  Luckily (maybe) she has run into an old servant and playmate, the now handsome and mysterious, Montgomery.  She decides to go with him to an island near Australia, where Montgomery works with her father.  There she finds out why her father left and what kind of man he really is.

This book is creepy.  From the beginning, Shepherd sets a tone of horror and darkness that causes you to squirm with discomfort at times.  The book moves along quickly and while you might suspect what is happening fairly early on (if you don't know the story by Wells at all), it is still a great thriller.  There is your somewhat standard love triangle that appears in YA, but what a twist!

This is the first book in a planned trilogy and I am very interested to see where these books will go in the future.  You can find this book in the new books section of YA.  For more information check out:


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